Monday, January 14, 2013

Here I go again...

Catchy tone? Maybe, but I've finally healed the small little ailments from last year. The ankle has been pretty solid. I've just now started to run gasers, and really testing that joint. My PT decided to work on lower leg strength. For what it's worth, calves are really hard to workout. Tiring that muscle is incredibly difficult since that muscle is used daily and supports all of your weight. Enough with the anatomy lesson. The other injury I had was a strain in my groin. I couldn't squat very heavy weight as a result which caused me to lose size and strength. So, on to today. I've been rehabbing my ass off and hitting the weights with care, and focus. My lifting is finally getting back to were I was pre injury, and I've been doing some controlled sprints with the focus on making sure the ankle is solid. So, I've decided on the first set of runs for this year. The Cowtown marathon is first up. This is going to take place in Feb 2013. Next up is the LA Marathon in March. This is the one I'm looking forward to. The race is amazing, the course is challenging, and well, it's LA. This summer, I'll be in San Francisco for the SF marathon. This is another challenging course, and it can kick your but. The hill are incredible, and well if you're not in tip top shape you won't make it. Finally, the last one I've confirmed is the LA triathlon. The goal for this year is to stay in the best aerobic shape. I do enjoy carrying more muscle, but I don't think it's sustainable for distance running. That's always the toughest part of these adventures. I want to maintain muscle mass, but want to maintain the 4-6 speed I barely have now after ACL surgery. 2013 is shaping up to be a great year. Lots of adventures planned.

Till I have time to write again,

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