Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Rome is clearly burning....

Typically at the 2 week period before a run I'm finalizing preparation. What does this entail you ask? Well, silly little things like drinking enough water to nearly cause my kidneys to fail, eating the right foods since my food intolerances suck. Attempting and failing to cut down on the Starbuck trips... Things like thins are important, and key for runs. I have most of this down pretty well. This trip to the a run is following the same pattern as life right about now. Seems that busy schedules have been the trending topic in my life here lately. So, I'll be in Seattle for the Pass Summit the week before the run. Then I get to hope on a plane and head for sunny helLA. So, sleeping, eating, and final workouts are going to be tough, but manageable. It seems when I'm on the left coast my schedule becomes easier to deal with. Nonetheless, the biggest obstacle is my groin right now. It's more sore today than it's been. Now, I'm not one for pity parties, but I threw myself one tonight and indulged in some tasty, heart clogging fast food. I had the worst workout that I've had in a long while. It was annoying, frustrating wrapped in anger. It's not the pain of this little injury, it's the effect it has on my nightly goals. Chalk it up to the other small ailments that I will have to deal with at one point or another. I'm also dangerously teetering with not having shoulder surgery in December. My shoulder has been feel better after rehabbing it. So, tomorrow, I'll re focus and push other parts of my body to the limit. I'm still a little nervous about how the groin will hold up in Malibu. I'm going to let it rest, and see how things feel later on this week. Running is fun, and it's certainly a fickle mistress. I do plan of trying to get past the runs I have for this year and taking some time off next year to let my body heal. Now, that doesn't mean I won't hit the gym, let's not be ridiculous.... It does mean that maybe the traveling will be for fun and sight seeing and not to go and run. I plan on having one more blog before my actual run, but in case that doesn't happen. Let's hope that I finish Malibu somewhat healthy.

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