Friday, August 10, 2012

Mr. Bad Example!

Let me start off by saying that I love football. In no way is this post anti football. With all that being said, If I was to do it all over again. I don't know if I would play full contact sports. First, let me start of by describing my admiration for football. It's more than a bunch of brutes running around trying to end each others career. It's the ultimate chess match. One on One battles happening across all positions. Winning at your position at all cost. I played QB at the high school and semi pro level. To me there's nothing better than calling the right play, and beating the defense with intelligent design. The mix of athleticism, execution, and play design is what football is all about. With all that being said, there is a dark side to football. The hits that you take, the abuse that piles up on your body. No, I don't want sympathy, nor should anyone else who chooses to play. The reason for this public service announcement is that I suffered a small little set back this week. It won't impede my running, but it is a little slightly more than annoying. I have a laundry list of injuries that need to be corrected.

  • Torn pinkie ligament in my left hand.
  • Ankle ligament tear and bone fragments in my right ankle.
  • Right knee meniscus tear
  • Partially torn labrum in my left shoulder

Each of these procedures will require some surgical intervention. Yesterday, my left shoulder subluxated. Resulting in a dislocated left shoulder. As annoying as this is, I know that there is only one thing that will fix this issue unless I cut down my max on shoulder shrugs and over head presses. See this only happens as I work my shoulders harder and harder. So, I'm sitting here with my left arm in a sling and I have to slow down my shoulder work. This won't stop me from running, but the pain is not much fun. Now, that I've written about it. It's time for some treatment, ice, and gym work. You're only as good as your latest shortcoming. The focus will be range of motion and pain management before hitting light rehab work on the shoulder. I will defer from discussing any concussion related issues I'm experiencing since this is not the proper forum. I know this seems to be the trending topic right now in all of media, but I won't comment on them. The concussion problem is very real, and I've had some bouts with it. 


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